It was - 3 degrees Celsius that day the wind was blowing and we said that that is the worst conditions we will film... Since then we shoot in worst conditions with snow and lot colder temperature... b

Publish Date:
March 5, 2023
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
bath tub, boots, pants, satin, pantyhose

It was - 3 degrees Celsius that day the wind was blowing and we said that that is the worst conditions we will film... Since then we shoot in worst conditions with snow and lot colder temperature... but who cares since we can hunt such pretty ladies ;) Back to the point right? We meet Maria when she was walking somewhere (she said that she only take a walk), but I assume she was going somewhere because it seemed to be somehow in a rush and when you just \"take a walk\" you usually take it slowly :)... Anyway... The girl looked very nice (cowboy high heeled boots, satin pants, fur coat) so I did not comment the way she took the walk and I start to ask her what she do for a living and make her some compliments about the way she look and I saw she enjoyed that very much. Before I go on with the story you should know that before we saw Maria we met a girl who was not so nice in gesture and wording, when we told her what we really want from her. So I decided to go straight to the point and tell Maria what we want from her without having to tell her many bedtime stories. Of course she said NO at first... and she seemed to want to walk away, so I though quickly that I should of wait a little more with the BIG proposal... Anyway, I quickly told her that we have a nice room in a hotel nearby and we will took her home with our car after she will took the shower and then I said that we will give her as much money she want for the scene and she asked: \"As much as I want?\" We said \"yes\" and she said OK. Maria asked us to take her coat down before the shower (sorry guys), because the coat was a fur coat probably not cheap and she was afraid that she will ruin it. But the rest was nice and she enjoyed the shower... There was a big mirror on the opposite wall and she kept looking at herself and I saw that she like what she see... When I saw the expression on her face I asked her how it feels and she said that it\'s OK and she start to like the feeling AND it would be a great idea to try this at home with her boyfriend (the guy should at least buy us a beer :)). Maria did not speak English so the whole conversation is subtitled.